How to Play

Team Style

Up to 5 teams of 2–5 players

The team with the youngest player goes first. Following turns proceed clockwise around the room.

  1. The player pulls one WHO card and one HOW card, and then announces if they want to clue the death scenario to their team by acting it out or by drawing it.
  2. Start a timer. The player has 90 seconds to clue the scenario for their team to guess. They cannot speak or write words. For games with younger players, increase the timer to 2 minutes.
  3. The team must guess the underlined words. If a team guesses both the WHO and HOW correctly, they get to keep the cards. If no one guesses correctly, the cards are discarded. The team clockwise gets the next turn.

Each card is worth 1 point. The first team to score 10 points wins.

Another way to play: The opposing team decides whether the player acts out or draws the scenario.

Open Play Style

4–Infinity players

Same rules, but everyone competes to guess each turn. The youngest player goes first. Following turns proceed clockwise around the room.

Each card is worth 1 point. The first player to score 10 points wins.